

Quality and convenient messenger
Average rating
70% - 2 votes
65 993

14 screenshots of Viber

Viber is the Android version of the popular messenger that allows you to communicate with other users using an Internet connection. Use stickers that can convey any emotion with entertaining animations. Call your friends anywhere in the world with minimal audio delay. Create group chats to chat with hundreds of other users at once. Send messages to any contacts whose numbers are in the device contact list.

Viber features

  • High quality video calls with minimal video gaps;
  • Attaching files of any size to previously created personal and group chats;
  • ability to record and instantly send 30-second messages;
  • grouping of all received messages in one notification with the ability to view the latest lines without starting the application;
  • maximum message volume is limited to 7000 characters, including all the characters used.

Application advantages

  • several types of chats, including direct and hidden messages that allow removing selected messages from the common list;
  • Secure encryption of all messages and calls;
  • appearance of notification about the authenticity of the incoming message from an unknown contact;
  • availability of a lot of publics, which include representatives of popular brands and companies;
  • the ability to delete messages that have already been sent.


  • frequent loss of connection to the Internet during prolonged use of the application on some devices;
  • the presence of paid and promotional content.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
In-app advertising
In-app purchases
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Current version
Android 4.1 or higher
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Viber for Android

  • Total downloads 65 993

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