40+ programs for programmers and developers on Windows PC
In this category you will find free downloads of various programs for Windows that can be useful for developers when working on their projects.
The first type of programs that can be found in this category are integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and others. They allow developers to create, debug, and test applications in different programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, and many others.
The second type of programs are compilers and interpreters, which allow the conversion of source code into executable files. Some of these, such as GCC and Clang, are popular tools for C and C++ development. Other programs such as Python, Ruby or PHP provide interpreters for their respective languages.
A third type of software for developers are version control tools such as Git, Mercurial and SVN. They help keep track of code changes, manage development branches, and merge changes from different sources.
In addition, you can download various development libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, Bootstrap, React, and others, for free on our site.
Thus, our category "Developers" offers free downloads of various programs, tools and libraries for convenient and effective work when creating various applications and programs.
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