
TuneIn Radio 28.5.1

Great app for listening to the radio
Average rating
4 650

10 screenshots of TuneIn Radio

TuneIn Radio is a virtual radio station aggregator for Android devices. Allows you to find, sort and listen to virtual radio stations online. It is equipped with flexibly configurable filters for genre and topic formats of radio stations.

Can detect the user's location and form playlists of regional radio stations. Features synchronization with Android Wear smart watch and Google Chromecast multimedia player. Can record playback airwaves to an audio file.

TuneIn Radio functionality

  • Memorizes specified filter rules for genre-thematic formats;
  • Loads a list of virtual airwaves of online radio stations, according to the specified filters;
  • Automatically sorts radio stations into thematic categories: sports, news, talk shows, pop music, r'n'b, rock, chanson, and more;
  • Reads geopositioning data, and forms playlists of regional radio stations on their basis;
  • Creates bookmarks to navigate to selected radio stations;
  • Records the audio stream of the played online radio air in the audio file;
  • Synchronizes with Android Wear smart watch or Google Chromecast multimedia player via Wi-Fi, mutes device speakers and rebroadcasts the audio stream to the speakers of the connected gadget.

Utility features

  • More than 100000 online broadcasts of popular radio stations of the CIS and the world;
  • Flexible system of filtering by genre and topic formats;
  • Automatic sorting of radio stations by categories;
  • Support for synchronization with Android Wear and Google Chromecast;
  • Function to search for regional radio stations;
  • The ability to record broadcast radio air in an audio file.


  • Part of the functional tools - paid;
  • Integrated advertising inserts.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
In-app advertising
In-app purchases
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Current version
Android 4.1 or higher
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download TuneIn Radio for Android

  • Total downloads 4 650

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