Regardless of whether you want to create a whole collection of video clips or you are interested in a single file hosted on YouTube video hosting - you will definitely need the useful utility Ummy Video Downloader to download it.
The laconic interface, the lack of unnecessary settings and settings, the ease of use - not all the advantages of this program, to appreciate them in full, try Ummy Video Downloader in action and enjoy your favorite videos.
Ummy Video Downloader features
- creating playlists and show lists;
- possibility of sorting by categories;
- saving original video properties;
- choosing the format you prefer to save;
- download history;
- download in several streams;
- flexible settings of download and save parameters;
- the ability to extract the soundtrack of the file or download it separately;
- compatibility with video screen readers;
- free upgrade;
- the program does not contain malware, and its use is free of charge;
- automatic addition of URL in the program by simply copying the link to the desired file;
- possibility to add links by simple drag and drop;
- user-friendly interface;
- minimum system requirements;
- download speed optimization system.
Thus, a small, fast program Ummy Video Downloader will allow you to create your own collection of clips in a short period of time and enjoy watching them even without access to the network.