QIP is a messenger, an alternative to the ICQ-client.
Plug-ins and extensions cannot be added to the program. But everything you need to work, is already in the program.
QIP features
- the ability to change the appearance,
- the ability to change the language (English, English),
- a convenient mode of exchanging messages: messages from one interlocutor are displayed in one window of the program, and switching to another is carried out by choosing another bookmark of the window,
- no annoying advertising,
- built-in spell checker,
- there is interaction with the Winamp player,
- contact list,
- wide choice of smiles, pictures,
- Possibility to transfer files between users.
In addition, QIP has a PDA version, it can be used for smartphones.
Installation of the program is not complicated. After launching the distributive, you only need to choose English. When the program files are installed, the account manager opens, where you have to enter your UIN and password.