Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8 15.6.7

Free codec pack for audio and video content
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6 screenshots of Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8

Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8 is a set of codecs for audio and video content designed for use in the environments of modern operating systems Windows 7, 8. The package automatically allows you to install basic decoders and codecs.

Standard codec sets often contain those that are rarely or hardly used by users. During the installation of the set under consideration you can check and uninstall, if necessary, codecs that are already installed on your PC and are identical to those you are installing, but have less compatibility with other codecs in the installed set. After installing Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8 you can start listening or watching with any media player compatible with the installed set.

Advantages of Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8

  • The installation package is not overloaded with any players, which reduces the size;
  • System file associations are not affected during installation;
  • The localization list of the installation package contains 18 languages, including Cyrillic;
  • After installing the package it is possible to watch streaming video in all browsers;
  • No need to configure anything additionally to work - media content is immediately available;
  • Support for Media Center and Windows Media Player;
  • Ability to remove individual codecs and install them again.

Cautions for Users

If you have a 64-bit Windows operating system, then after installing the main package you must also install the x64 Components (does not work as a standalone product). Before you start installation, it is better to make sure that you do not have previously installed codecs and older versions of the product in question. Before uninstalling the 32-bit version of the product do not forget to uninstall the x64 Components.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Advanced Codecs for Windows 7 and 8 for Windows

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