FLAC 1.3.3

Popular high-quality audio codec
Average rating
1 556

8 screenshots of FLAC

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a free audio codec for lossless transcoding of audio recordings.

The FLAC codec is very popular among audiophiles because it provides excellent sound quality. Music in this format can be listened to on expensive audio devices, and besides, it is great for music collection. The compression ratio of the format is lower than that of MP3, but in other respects it is significantly superior to it.

There is a lot of software for listening to music in FLAC format, as well as for its editing. This allows users to easily use the format not only on desktop, but also on portable devices.

Benefits of the FLAC format:

  • the ability to create collections of audio recordings (one file can contain as many tracks as you want with all the necessary information about them - album image, artist, track name, lyrics, etc.).
  • Improving the quality of recordings.
  • codec is absolutely free and that significantly expands possibilities of its use.
  • pure sound without quality loss.

As any other codec, FLAC has its disadvantages. But there are only a few of them and none of them can be called significant:

  • large file size;
  • lack of support for the format on older audio devices.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Sunday, 08 December 2024
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

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  • Total downloads 1 556

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