Comodo Antivirus

Free multifunctional antivirus
Average rating
2 947

10 screenshots of Comodo Antivirus

Comodo Antivirus is a multifunctional antivirus program. This utility belongs to the category of free tools. This antivirus is not inferior to such well-known paid products as NOD32 or Dr. Web.

Comodo Antivirus includes:

  • real-time scanner;
  • Memory Scanner to scan your computer for a malicious program code;
  • Quarantine to quarantine infected objects.

Comodo Antivirus program can work with both network and removable media. In case a malicious code is detected all infected objects will be moved to quarantine at once and the user will get the full list of files infected with this computer virus. The installation of this software is not actually different from the installation process of any other software.

Comodo Antivirus features

  • Scan your computer in real time and not only;
  • Monitoring of all active processes;
  • anti-virus protection;
  • anti-spam;
  • moving infected objects to a quarantine directory.

Benefits of Comodo Antivirus

  • Checks computer memory, incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Blocks malicious code.
  • Regular on-line updates of virus databases.

In addition to all of the above, Comodo Antivirus program allows you to install additional free Comodo products, such as Comodo Rescue Disk to disinfect your computer from viruses without rebooting the operating system, i.e. using a boot disk or flash drive. This is a very useful thing in some special cases.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Comodo Antivirus for Windows

  • Total downloads 2 947

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