Sandboxie 5.55.10

Application that monitors the operation of programs with network activity
Average rating

6 screenshots of Sandboxie

Sandboxie is a program to improve the security of installing unfamiliar applications and surfing the Internet.

The principle of Sandboxie is simple: the Internet browser (or other software) runs in a dedicated area of memory, the so-called "sandbox". Accordingly, all changes to the operating system when surfing (primarily viruses) can be easily undone. It is enough to delete the sandbox and free the memory.

The operation of the program is almost invisible to the average user. Sandboxie minimizes to tray and activates in one click. After activation, you can launch a browser or another application. The program allows you to undo unwanted modifications to the system registry, changes to bookmarks or the browser homepage. All files that got on your hard drive while browsing the Internet are also deleted. This allows you to minimize the consequences of virus activity.

Advantages of Sandboxie

  • Higher security and anonymity when surfing the web (the program clears browser history, cache, temporary files and cookies);
  • Surf protection (files downloaded to your hard drive while surfing will not harm your computer)
  • email protection (blocking suspicious attachments);
  • installing programs in a "sandbox" prevents unwanted changes in the operating system.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Tuesday, 01 April 2025
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Sandboxie for Windows

  • Total downloads 875

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