The DriverMax program quickly and easily reinstalls all operating system drivers, scans and displays information on all installed driver packages in the system as a list, and against each driver displays the device that uses it. You can also find out in detail about the version of the system driver, the date it was created, the developer, the number of files and the presence of a digital signature. All drivers can be exported to a special folder or unpacked into an archive and, after the next reinstallation of the operating system, you can easily install them from a single source. All selected drivers are exported within a couple of minutes.
Features of DriverMax
The program automatically finds all the drivers installed in the system and allows you to pack them in an archive in case of unforeseen reinstallation of the system.
DriverMax is not difficult to use and if necessary will very quickly unpack and install the necessary drivers in the system. But note: reinstallation will only install the drivers themselves, which were previously archived, and not all multimedia applications for these devices.
The DriverMax program interface is very user-friendly and simple, as well as quite ergonomic. It will not be difficult to understand it, even for beginners. DriverMax will quickly reinstall all the driver packages you need for your computer to work efficiently.
The program is completely free, but after 30 days, you will need to register for free in order to continue using it.