Adobe Flash Player

Plugin for displaying multimedia web content
Average rating
16 817

6 screenshots of Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player is the world's most popular plugin for playing web content. Every site contains flash animation, and some are based on it, so you need this player to get the correct image. It works on all major operating systems, browsers and cell phones. The only nuance: in order to update the Adobe Flash Player, you must first download it.

Adobe developers are constantly adding and updating versions of Flash Player, making them as up-to-date as possible for user demand. All released updates of Adobe Flash Player can be downloaded for free on Adobe's website or directly from our website. When downloading Adobe Flash Player from other sites, make sure that the program has the necessary digital license issued by the developers.

One of the last and most important innovations was the compatibility with the H.264/HE-AAC video/audio codec. The support of these codecs allowed network users to enjoy clear sound and high resolution video directly from their favorite websites. It had a slight impact on the performance of the plugin itself, but in this case the result is worth it.

Also, before you download or update Adobe Flash Player, you should decide which browser you are using. For example, there is a different version for Internet Explorer than for other browsers.

As in any program associated with the Internet, in Adobe Flash Player professional can find "holes" with which to carry out hacking a computer remotely. Moreover, there have been precedents and more than once. But so far, the consequences have not gone beyond isolated and developers Adobe had time to release patches with corrected bugs.

Adobe Flash Player has completely eliminated the consequences of the problems found earlier:

  1. the ability to remotely, with the help of malware, take possession of personal information;
  2. control video camera and microphone;
  3. Using "targeted" attacks (crossite scripting);
  4. hack users of Windows Vista (this was a competition where hackers were invited to hack computers, and a laptop with Vista was hacked due to an Adobe Flash Player vulnerability).

Also, the new version of the player a pleasant surprise waiting for users in the form of built-in support for ActionScript 3.0, which improves the interpretation of three-dimensional graphics and provides a highly interactive in the management of the site.


  1. high performance;
  2. high processing speed by caching vector graphics;
  3. Optimized processing of text information, so you can scroll through the text in large blocks;
  4. high security level (the user can set up the necessary security parameters for the applications, data, links and other content);
  5. InnovativeDisplay software interface is integrated, due to which it is possible to create/delete/manage objects;
  6. support for creating three-dimensional objects for flash movies;
  7. high video compression technology with preservation of quality;
  8. ability to create dynamic objects;
  9. creation of 8-bit compositions with alpha-channels video;
  10. ability to use additional image formats (gif, pro jpeg, png);
  11. support through external interface integration in HTML, DHTML, Ajax applications;
  12. interaction with the server without refreshing the page;
  13. small volume and automatic updates of the package.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Adobe Flash Player for Windows

  • Total downloads 16 817

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