Clownfish for Skype 4.4.5

Skype voice changer and automatic translator
Average rating
3 169

6 screenshots of Clownfish for Skype

Clownfish is a specialized software that translates text messages in Skype on the fly. With this application, users can correspond with foreigners in languages they don't know, but Clownfish's functionality is not limited to this. Most users of the application change their voice with it. Now we'll give you a quick overview of the app's functionality and how to use it.

The basic Clownfish setup.

In order to make the program more convenient to use, you should first switch to the English language interface. This is done in the menu Preferences, perform Interface Language -> English.

Now, let Skype interact with Clownfish without any problems. A warning window will appear about third-party application's attempts to access Skype's resources, allow access to continue.

Clownfish: changing your voice

To activate the voice change functionality in Skype with Clownfish, go to the "Change Voice" menu. In this menu, the option "Listen to yourself" is available to listen to your own voice with a slight time delay. We recommend using this feature only when setting up, as it gets in the way during communication.
In the Change Voice -> Voices menu you can select and adjust your voice settings.

In the same menu the function "Off" is available, after activation of which the voice change is turned off and the interlocutor begins to hear the real voice.

Among other things, in the Sound Effects section you can activate various sound effects, which must be pre-loaded and placed in the appropriate folder. It's worth noting that the program also supports VST effects, which expands its sound processing abilities many times over.

Clownfish Translation Function

Clownfish can translate your Skype Instant Messages into a large number of languages (over 30). To activate translation, you need to use the corresponding Clownfish menu.

If you don't change anything in the settings, each message will be translated into the default language in the Skype settings. If you need another language, you need to choose a service (out of 5) in "Select translator" that is responsible for online translation, and adjust the settings. Suppose that you have selected as a service Google Translator, and the interlocutor speaks English. Then in the settings as the incoming, you need to select English, as well as the required outgoing.

Recording conversations in Clownfish

If you choose the menu "Record voice calls", a window opens, where you can specify the path to the folder with the files to be saved and turn on / off the recording function at any time of the conversation.

In addition to the features described above, the Clownfish application allows you to send original greetings to your interlocutors, including emoji pictures, connect chatbots, customize your own greetings, do mass mailings, and many more useful options.

If you actively use Skype in your work, Clownfish will be a very useful assistant.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Clownfish for Skype for Windows

  • Total downloads 3 169

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