Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a set of programs designed to uninstall other software. It takes care of the cleanliness of your PC, its top-notch performance.
How to use Advanced Uninstaller Pro
The programs of the package are organized to be "at your fingertips" and come to your aid when you need it. Once Advanced Uninstaller Pro is installed, it is no problem to uninstall any program or set of programs. All you need to do is drag and drop the program (package) you want to uninstall onto the AUP shortcut on your desktop, or select the program (set of programs) from the list of programs in AUP to uninstall. The Autorun Manager included in the set allows you to effectively manage any software that is loaded at OS startup. The manager provides information about each such program and gives advice on whether it is desirable to exclude it from the autorun. It also operates its own large database of programs that usually run with the OS, so it works very efficiently.
Registry Toolkit features
- Cleaning utility;
- A utility that defragments the registry;
- An optimization utility;
- A utility that backs up the registry.
Quick Clean is a tool that will keep your PC clean and safe in a single operation. Quick Clean will securely erase your web browsing history, including cookies, previously entered web addresses and history of visits to all Internet sites.
What else is included in Advanced Uninstaller Pro:
- Cleaning lists of recently opened files for more than a hundred popular applications;
- Clearing the Start Menu of all broken shortcuts;
- Customize Internet Explorer;
- Much more.