Connectify 2019.1.2.40048

Utility for Wi-Fi connection from a computer or laptop
Average rating
67 650

6 screenshots of Connectify

Connectify is a small utility (just over 9 MB) that allows you to distribute traffic over a Wi-Fi connection directly from your computer without using additional devices (a router). The utility only works on Windows OS (starting from 7). Connectify can be used free of charge or you can upgrade to the Pro version.

Connectify installation

After downloading the program, run the Connectify installation by agreeing to install the driver. Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer to complete the proper installation. Do this if you plan to start testing the utility right away, or later if you don't need to.

Connectify automatic startup settings

Start the program. On the top line in the Settings line, find the Startup option and check the "checkbox" to start the utility with your computer. You can also disable all services of the program with a single click.

In the Display row, you can specify all displayed services, news and Connectify connections. Experienced users can use the Advanced options. The free version does not have these options, but even without this, the utility gives out Wi-Fi without using a router/router.

Important points

In the main window of the utility, under the Firewall line, check both boxes. This action gives permission to allow access to the Internet and the local network. Experienced users can create not only mobile hotspot Wi-Fi, which is enough to distribute Internet from computer, but also router that distributes Internet via controller and even repeater for boosting Wi-Fi signal.

Problems and their solutions

Sometimes users do not carefully read the information about the OS on which the utility works. The program only works with Windows systems starting from version 7.

The lack of connection and sharing with Connectify may be related to your device, or rather your network card that does not support Wi-Fi Internet sharing. To fix the problem, you can use a network adapter, such as Wi-Fi D-Link.

Incorrect operation of the program is often associated with its improper installation and mistakes made in the sequence of actions. Once again, read the recommendations on how to install and start using the program (available in the Help column) and reinstall it.

Connectify is indispensable where multiple devices are used at once: phones, tablets. If you install it correctly and follow all the instructions and recommendations on how to start using the utility, Connectify becomes an alternative to expensive routers and "saves" from a lot of wires. For mobile Internet users (3G, 4G, LTE) who have installed Connectify, network devices can now be limited to a single modem operating in the operator's network and initially connected to the Internet.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Current version
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Connectify for Windows

  • Total downloads 67 650

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