
Yandex.Maps 10.1

Great app with city maps
Average rating
3 970

Yandex.Maps is an application containing a navigator with a detailed map of most countries of the world. Find out the latest information about the state of the roads along with advanced navigation on different types of transport. Use several types of widgets for easier interaction with the app's search engine. Get access to selected locations along with the map download feature. Save places and addresses for quick access to their location.

Features of the Yandex.Maps application

  • Real-time updates of all information when using the app with an active Internet connection;
  • availability of voice instructions with step-by-step hints for on-the-go use;
  • compilation of optimal routes for different vehicles;
  • displaying notifications about speed limits on different road sections, the presence of speed cameras and traffic jams;
  • built-in system for tracking the movement of public transport with the display of the appropriate labels.

Application advantages

  • several types of maps (satellite view, graphical representation and combined view) with support of panoramic street view;
  • the ability to discuss all active marks with other users;
  • no paid features and an advanced version of the application;
  • Determining the physical location of devices from which incoming calls are made.


  • presence of intrusive advertising content;
  • the inability to disable the auto-return function to the current location of the device.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
In-app advertising
In-app purchases
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Current version
Android 4.0 or higher
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download Yandex.Maps for Android

  • Total downloads 3 970

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