WiFi Virtual Router

Wi-Fi sharing software for your laptop or PC
Average rating
100 506

6 screenshots of WiFi Virtual Router

WiFi Virtual Router is a program that allows you to turn any computer or laptop into a Wi-Fi router to share Internet access with nearby mobile devices.

Benefits of Using WiFi Virtual Router

WiFi Virtual Router does not require a router, router, or any additional equipment other than the one you already have. It works with a wireless adapter connected to your computer or laptop, turning it into an access point that shares your Internet connection between devices.

The Wi-Fi receiver starts working as a transmitter. Although such a home network will not be the most convenient (the main reason for this is the low signal range), but it will be quite enough in case you do not have the opportunity to use a router.

Advantages of WiFi Virtual Router

  • A minimum of settings (to start the access point you will only need to enter its name, password and select the active connection to the Internet);
  • The program is not entirely free, but at the same time there are no annoying ads, and no additional software is installed along with it, as it is the case with some shareware programs;
  • Low demand for system resources and no need to purchase additional hardware.

Disadvantages of WiFi Virtual Router

  • The program is relatively new and is free, which means that there is no support and no guarantees;
  • Additional configuration of your computer may be required to ensure that the program works correctly. However, there is a step-by-step manual with detailed explanations on the developer's website, which makes it possible to configure the program in just a few minutes.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Current version
Windows 8.1, 8, 7
Bit mode
32+64 bit

Download WiFi Virtual Router for Windows

  • Total downloads 100 506

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